the way of the heart

A 90-minute one on one session that delves into the depths of your being, reconnecting you with the answer that lies within your heart and awakening your inner divine energy. Utilising the guidance of your body, we embrace and release anything that no longer serves you in the present moment, allowing a profound sense of freedom and belonging to emerge. This call rejuvenates your soul like a deep breath of fresh air at the top of a mountain.


the pillars


Dropping deeper in the body, pausing, undoing, driving the attention straight to the present moment, being fully embodied and fully present able to hear the rhythm of your heart. This removes confusion, magnifies your magnetism to draw life in and prepares you energetically for bigger invitations to come on your way. We achieve that by opening the space with deep meditation and soft movement.


Energy in motion moving through the body. Keeping attention in the emotional body accepting and recognising the fluidity in the channel while healing and making space for new energy to move like clean river. This amplifies your manifestation power to draw so much in by creating space and staying open to life. We achieve that by uninterrupted sharing. soft tantric somatic practises and mirroring techniques.


The union of the body with the mind. By setting an intention, you invite your mind to act in accordance with the guidance of your heart and the essence of your being. Continuously leading in this way allows you to effortlessly embrace and embody your individual blueprint. Welcoming all of you as pure and beautiful in each moment and staying in constant love making with life.

meet your guide

My name Is Eleni Sol, I am a priestess, a teacher, a daughter, a sister, a lover and a friend. 

My body of work merges the mystical with the intellectual, the wisdom of the body with the intelligence of the mind, and the personality with the soul.

I blend the various techniques I've gathered during my 10-year spiritual journey with the guidance and healing messages I receive through my intimate connection with the goddess of love. This allows me to provide you with a fully personalised and unique experience that aligns with what your soul seeks in the present moment.

I am trauma informed and energy sensitive and your feeling of safety during our time together is my priority.

Following our sessions, people are filled with a profound sense of returning home to their essence, intimately connecting with their core values and surrendering with confidence to the magnificence that lies in store for them.

I have successfully guided and empowered numerous individuals, both men and women, on a transformative path of self-discovery through my exclusive private sessions, focusing solely on harnessing their energy and unlocking their true potential.

It would be my honour to hold the most sacred space for you.

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