• AWAKEN your inner Aphrodite and feel fully alive in your body
  • ANSWER THE CALLING OF THE GODDESS on an emotional and spiritual level
  • ALCHEMISE YOUR EMOTIONS and feelings into empowering states of being
  • CONNECT with the FEMININE and the MASCULINE ENERGY fields within and around you
  • Give yourself permission to feel everything that moves you, everything that is within you
  • Let go of limiting beliefs and past stories
  • Make lifelong friendships with new soul SISTERHOOD who share the same values
  • Commit to your personal growth & spiritual expansion
  • EXPRESS yourself without shame or guilt
  • Become MAGNETIC and anchored in the frequency of love


🕊️  Experience the powerful transmission of Mythology. A myth is a story about the origins, fundamental values or important life lessons, often represented through archetypes or supernatural beings. Myths have been used for many centuries to inspire, encourage and  help people journey deeper in to the wisdom of their own psyche. Every day includes Goddess Teachings rooted in Greek mythology and history, leading to a reflective dialogue in a circle on how as women we can embody this ancient wisdom in our daily lives.

🕊️ Learn how to deeply connect to your sensuality and the wisdom of your own body. Through Goddess Tantra you will be gently guided into awakening your senses so you feel grounded, safe, beautiful and fully connected to life. The temple night of sensuality includes an Aphrodisiac Dinner.

🕊️ Embrace your fire as sacred. Through a temple practise you will be guided in the full embracing of your rage. so you can feel liberated from all emotions that were labeled as negative. The temple night of sacred rage includes a voice activation workshop so you grant the permission to use your voice as a powerful tool of expression and liberation.

🕊️ Learn how to honour and how to swim in the waters of your feminine energy . Through a sacred womb ceremony you will experience connect to your innate waters - the sacred symbol and element of Goddess Aphrodite .

🕊️ Make the sacred promise to hold yourself in all the transitions of life and honour other woman as part of you. The earth temple aims to connect practices amongst women, eliminating jealousy and societal taboos that affect our relationships

Goddess Aphrodite:

Goddess Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, eros and sensuality. She was born in Paphos, on the island of Cyprus, which is why she called "Cyprian", especially in the poetic works of the ancient greek poet: Sappho. Through her story we will embark on our own journey of self-discovery and empowerment at her birthplace in Paphos / Cyprus and we will explore how her wisdom can enrich our life as women today with the aim to honour and remember the goddess that lives inside of us. Welcome my love.


    Myths have been used for many centuries to inspire, encourage and  help people journey deeper into the wisdom of their own psyche.

    Experience the powerful transmission of Mythology with daily Goddess teachings leading to a reflective dialogue in a circle on how as women we can embody this ancient wisdom in our daily lives.


    Using Goddess tantra & connection practices you will be gently guided into your body, so you feel grounded, safe and fully connected to your inner divine essence. Developing and connecting the wisdom of your own intuition & body. You will receive temple nights and practises based on the elemental wisdom of air, water, fire and earth.


    You will be guided through 2 transformational ancient ceremonies such as water ritual and womb healing. The ceremonies include rituals that support yourself and other women through deep transformation.

Our 4 days together:

Water Temple

Day 1 - WATER

3:00pm: Arrive & Unwind
5:00pm: Opening Circle
Ancient Water Ritual
Sacred Womb Ceremony
8:30pm Dinner

Red Temple

Day 2 - FIRE

7:00am: Meditation and intuitive movement practise
8:30am Breakfast 
10:00am Goddess Teachings on Sacred Rage
Open Discussion on 'negative' labeled feminine emotions
Voice Activation Workshop
1:30pm: Lunch
6:00pm: Temple Night
8:30pm: Dinner

Eros Temple

Day 3 - AIR

7:00am: Sensual awakening morning practises
8:30am: Breakfast
10:00am: Goddess Teachings on Sensuality
Open Discussion on Eros and Sensuality
1:00pm: Lunch
6:00pm: Temple Night 
Sensual Eating: Dinner will be part of the temple night

Sacred Temple

Day 4 - EARTH

7:00am: Morning grounding practises
8:30am: Breakfast
10:00am: Circle connection practises
12:00pm: Lunch
Closing Sharing Circle - Closing the Goddess Portal 
2:00pm: Departure

A transformative journey exploring your full spectrum womanhood

Meet your facilitator:

Hi love,

I am Eleni, an initiated Aphrodite's priestess, Historian and graduate Shakti Tantra teacher.

My body of work merges the mystical with the intellectual, the wisdom of the body with the intelligence of the mind, and the personality with the soul.

I blend the various techniques I've gathered during my 10-year spiritual journey, my academic background and the healing messages I receive through my intimate connection with the goddess of love. This allows me to provide you with a fully personalised and holistic experience that aligns with what your soul seeks in the present moment.

I am trauma informed and energy sensitive and your feeling of safety during our time together is my priority.

I have successfully guided and empowered numerous individuals, both men and women, on a transformative path of self-discovery through my intimate containers, focusing solely on harnessing their energy and unlocking their true potential.

It would be my honour to hold the most sacred space for you!


    Private Villa at the birthplace of Goddess Aphrodite: Paphos/ Cyprus - we will create an intimate circle of 8-9 women max. Please note all rooms are shared. For a private room inquiry please contact us.


    Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner included. A private chef will prepare tasty meals customised for our body's requirements for each temple. Please note: All meals are vegan.


    Preparation call for connection prior to the retreat, along with integration sisterhood circle afterwards. Circles can be conducted online or offline.


    Practices based on Shakti Tantra, ancient cyprian rituals, elemental wisdom, archetypes, greek mythology and the energy of the group.

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What you receive:

. 1 x Preparation sisterhood circle prior to the retreat: Setting Foundations, Sharing Intentions & Golden Aphrodite Activation

. 4 x days and 3 x nights at a Private Villa at the birthplace of Goddess Aphrodite: Paphos/ Cyprus

. All meals Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner included. A private cook will prepare tasty meals customised for our body's requirements

. Daily connection practises: A unique blend of ancient ancestral wisdom , combined with the power of Goddess Tantra and your inherent body wisdom

. A surprise gift to wear as a token of this experience, symbolising the connection with your inner and outter feminine each time it's worn

. 1 x Closing Ceremony: Reflections and Celebration, Self and Sisterhood appreciation

. Spotify music playlists:
These playlists will be used in our live temples and will help you keep the codes of our journey and the qualities of these energies every time you listen to them.

Yes to all the above!


Limited places - Intimate container

590€ Early bird until 21/10

650€ Regular until 21/11

You will be gifted an online preparation circle before and integration after the retreat!

You can secure your spot for early bird with a deposit of 300€

or with direct payment below

When women come together:

When women come together,

something magical happens.

It’s science, the mystical kind,

and it’s an unstoppable force,

to be reckoned with.

When women come together,

they connect,

on a deeper level,

both spiritually and cellularly.

Souls nodding in alignment,

I see you.

I am ready for this transformational journey

Doors close on Thursday 21/11

The retreat starts Thursday 28/11/24 and finishes Sunday 1/12/24.

You will receive a welcome email as soon as you complete the payment!